Orphanage #4 Graduation / Житомир Видео

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Orphanage #4 Graduation

Видеоролик: Orphanage #4 Graduation
Описание: Zhytomyr, Ukraine Orphanage #4's 9th Grade Graduation. Most orphanages in Ukraine have a school for their kids and 9th grade is usually the final year before being sent to trade schools. A ministry in Zhytomyr - Last Bell - exists to help these kids with the transition, provide them a loving and stable place to gather and be reunited with the kids they grew up with, and to have adults in their lives they can rely on and know love and care for them. Check out Last Bell Ministries youtube account.
Категория: Travel & Events / Путешествия и события
Автор: russianrose83
Длительность: 9:35
Теги: Orphanage, #4, graduation, zhytomyr, zhitomir, ukraine, orphans, christian, ministry, mission
Размещено: 2009-06-30
Просмотров: 235

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Orphanage #4 Graduation
Orphanage #4 Graduation Orphanage #4 Graduation Orphanage #4 Graduation

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